Finding a calling

When I was young, I loved doing hair. I used to cut the hair on my toys and set them all up in front of me like I had my own little hair salon. When I left school, I went into a hairdressing apprenticeship and apart from a few hurdles as an apprentice, I absolutely loved what I was doing. But life changed and so did my “calling”. 

Is there really one thing that we are destined to do forever, always enjoying it and never growing tired of what it provides? Personally, I don't believe so. As we grow, so do the things we enjoy, the driver of the choices we make and our reasons to do what we do.

So then how do we find the thing we love to do? Or start to figure out the path we might want to explore??

When I decided to move towards Counselling, there were a few things that influenced me, one of which was asking myself what I had enjoyed the most about Hairdressing. And when I started to really look inwards and think about who I was as a person, what I valued and what others around me said, it became a lot clearer.

So if you are still wondering what you want to do in this current or the next phase of your life, here are a few things to reflect on:

Values- What do you value in life and what sort of careers/roles/opportunities might reflect those same values?

What do you enjoy?- Are there specific shows, books or podcasts that you love and do they have a similar theme?

What do others say?- Do people always tell you that you are really good at certain things or they feel a certain way around you? These can be good guides to listen to as well.

Working with a Counsellor can also often provide the space and ability to pull some of these things apart and put them back together in a more organised way that could help you find a clearer vision.

Kat xx


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